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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Its been a while, but its been busy here at 4B. Its called hay season. Luckily we baled the last of it yesterday. Woo-hoo! But, there's still about 350 bales to move. Ugh. We leave for Colorado the week after next and they need to be moved by then. But atleast they will be moved in the tractor that has a cab, a/c and a radio. And thank goodness, its gonna get over 100 the next couple of days. Phew.

So the short version of what's been going on is haying haying and more haying. Then my niece and nephew came up and spent the week w/ me last week. We worked a little and played a little. It was really great having them here and really a ton of fun. But boy was I tired!

And the short version of what's happening in the future. Elk County Free Fair starts this weekend and I've been volunteered to help since I'm here this year. The people who run the fair are Josh's relatives and as much as they ask for help, its really hard to let go of the reins....if you know what I mean. But I'll be at the fair barn Thursday morning at 7:30am w/ a cup of coffee in hand to do whatever they ask, or just be an extra. Who knows what I will help w/ for the rest of Thursday or Friday day. Friday night is the free BBQ and we have a table w/ the grub on it that I've always helped w/. After the BBQ they have the food auction. The food auction is always a hoot. Its a way for the community to donate money to the fair and take home some cookies or a yummy pie. And to see what the price of some stuff goes for. Wowser! And then there's the parade Saturday morning followed with the Ranch Rodeo Saturday night. Josh always drives something in the parade, if its a gator I ride w/ him and stick the dogs in the back. We also help out with the Ranch Rodeo Saturday night. Josh helps w/ getting the events ready and moving the calves and such. I help up in the box as one of the time keepers. Last year was actually the first Ranch Rodeo so it was all a little rusty. So we'll see if we can iron a few things out. After the fair is wrapped up it will be time to get things ready for our vacation. We leave for Colorado Friday 13th after Josh gets off work. To say I'm excited and ready is an understatement!

Well, all that ended up being longer than I expected. But I could have written so much more. I'll write more about my week w/ my niece and nephew, the fair, and our vacation in Colorado. I hope :)