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Monday, December 6, 2010

I’m an idiot…

Do you want to laugh? At me? It's actually pretty fun, I did it just a bit ago. Here's the story…

I haven't headed over to "the big house" yet today, just been piddling over here at Josh's house all morning. About 11:30 Annette, texts me and this is how it went down…

A: "Did you work today? Didn't see you leave."

T: "No, I was just piddle-farting around over here."

A: "Where is your car? Is Emily with you? Thought I lost her."

~At this point I looked out the window to where the Jimmy is normally parked, but it wasn't there.~

T: "Um, holy shit I don't know."

~This is when the freaking out REALLY started. All at once I was texting Annette back, trying to call Josh, and trying to put cloths on because the cops wouldn't be impressed visiting to some wacko still in her p.j's.

J: Didn't answer his phone.

T: Cussed J.

A: "Car or Dog"

J: (texted) "What's up?"

T: (to A) "Car."

T: Called J again, he answered.

T: (convo)"Was my car outside when you left this morning?"

J: "No." (confusion set in here for me, I think it was mutual on his end.)

T: "It wasn't?"

J: "No, it's in the shop."


T: Laughing ridiculously- "Ok, nevermind. Thanks. Bye."

J: Mass confusion- "So everything's ok?"

T: "Yep, thanks. Bye."

J: A very unsure "bye."

T: (to A) "Nevermind it's in the shop."

A: "Are you messing with me?"

T: Half naked laughing hysterically that 1)She's an idiot b/c she forgot her Jimmy was pulled into the shop b/c we changed the oil in it yesterday, and 2)That A actually thinks I'm messing with her, when really I'm just an idiot!

T: (to A) "I'll be over in a minute." –busting a gut the entire time.

T: (to J) "Blonde moment, sorry I disturbed u."

~Just to set the record straight, I'm 99.9% sure Josh stepped out of a meeting to tell me my Jimmy was pulled into the shop. Yes, totally an emergency. I may be called the girl who cried wolf from now on. If anyone ever steals my Jimmy, no one will believe me.

Laughing at yourself is fun. Try it sometime. Then tell me about it so I don't feel so alone!


~Wolf crier