I changed my font at scrappinblogs.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Josh left early for work this morning. What was he thinking? Didn't he know this would mess up my sleep?

For reasons unknown to me, if he leaves at a normal time I fall right back to sleep and think nothing of it. But if he throws a wrench in the morning system and leaves at 6am *gasp* it totally throws me off. I wonder if it's my subconscious feeling guilty that he's getting a head start on a productive day. I really thought my body, who loves sleep, would overrule my subconscious and its weirdo feelings. But apparently that changes with age.

Which reminds me; if I'm going to be up this early with nowhere to go I want something to show for it. I'll start a load of laundry.

Our poor dryer has to work so ridiculously hard because the washer is crap. The washer is on its last leg and therefore shakes violently during the spin cycle. And that throws the washer off balance which leaves more than damp cloths. It also keeps us from putting more than 3 pairs of jeans and a couple of shirts in at a time. We're getting a new washing machine sometime between now and just after the first of the year. I cannot wait. Shopping for one is kind of a pain b/c Josh and I both are very specific about getting one that will work for us until it dies and is a good deal. It must me energy efficient and it must be high efficiency. So we've shopped and shopped and shopped and consulted with the consumers report website to find the best washer. We haven't decided on one, but we've narrowed down the search. It might seem excessive, but I'm pulling for a 4.7 cu ft – 5.0 cu ft. I want to pile 5 pairs of jeans in there and not blink an eye.

Our laundry situation is pretty much out of control right now. For most of last week and this past weekend, between the two of us our time was spent working, baking, baking, eating, baking, cooking, eating, baking, moving cows, ear tagging calves, cooking, eating, moving cows, ear tagging calves, and moving bulls (it's time for them to be with their girls). Did you see anywhere in there where laundry was mentioned? Nope, and it wasn't. So every laundry bin is full if not overflowing. Not to mention sheets and blankets I uncovered from unpacking. And a couple of coats.

I've made a list for today:

  • make coffee
  • laundry
  • clean out laundry bucket
  • fill laundry bucket w/ dog food
  • laundry
  • call Sears
  • laundry
  • continue organization efforts

And look, I already have 2 things crossed off my list. Way to go me! You have to rejoice in the simpler things in life.

I'm on my second cup of coffee in my tall John Deere mug, sitting at my desk in its newly appointed place in the office, with a chocolate coffee candle from Lambert's burning in a green specked enamel coffee cup smelling so yummy I want to drink it, while the washing machine is clanging around on the spin cycle and very likely walking across the hallway. I don't want to go look. Things are falling off Josh's desk, I'm not even kidding.

Off to wrangle the washing machine and the rest of my list. And a third cup of coffee. J

~kittens & calves~

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