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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I <3 Thanksgiving

It's the best time of year.


I'm sitting here eating a whole wheat ham, lettuce, and avocado wrap. That's the good part. The not so good part is the avocado, sour cream and homemade salsa dip that I'm eating with it. Eh, it's give and take.

I'm trying to watch my carbs, but 2 days of baking homemade bread doesn't make it easy.

Monday I had my first attempt with my Granny's homemade rolls. It didn't go so well. Tuesday was my second attempt and it was a success. I did one trial batch that was okay and then did a second batch for Thanksgiving. Wednesday, today, I'm working on another batch of bread and a pumpkin pie.

As I eat lunch, the pie crust is made and chillin in the fridge and the dough is on its first rising....I hope. After dealing with all this bread, I realize how easy a pie crust is. Not that the bread is hard, but it is definitely particular. All the stars must align before you end up with bread.....

I just checked the bread, it's doing its thang...yes!

I may post more later. Making bread is a slow process.

Thanksgiving...eat your heart out!

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