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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wow, over two months since I've been on here. Shame on me. I have no reason, just haven't. Let see if I can catch up of the last two and a half months. I'll just tell you right now I'll be using Facebook (FB) as my brain for this little adventure. What did we do before FB?
So I'm gonna say a big HA on updating. This is like research. Here's where it starts:

  • Got my niece and nephew for an entire week.

  • Posted this as my FB status on Aug. 2nd - "T minus 3 days till the fair. T minus 11 days till Colorado vacation. T minus 298 bales to move before we leave for vacation."

  • Volunteered at the Fair -checked in vegetables, served at the free BBQ, threw candy out of the gator in the parade, and was a time keeper at the ranch rodeo.

  • Vacation in Colorado. Hello Colorado, where have you been all my life?

  • Mom bought a place in Dewey that we call "The Ponderosa."

  • Took (and passed!) my last certification exam.

  • Was finally given a way to season my cast iron skillet that worked. Why I needed to do that, I don't know. I don't ever get to cook in "my" (it's not mine, its Josh's...hence the air quotes) kitchen.

  • I turned 31.

  • Started cooking more.

  • Canned for the first time - Apple Butter and Apple Pie Filling - and more canning since.

  • Kicked ass at an apple pie (and a few since).

  • I sealed my graduating by walking across the stage.

  • Posted this on my FB status Sept. 20th - "Had a couple of firsts last week. 1 was pretty neat and the other was pretty dang gross."

  • "Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do....but how much love we put in that action" -Mother Theresa

  • Finally got my Kansas sub license in the mail....well, Tammie Provence did anyway. Longton...aka -Elk Valley...accepted it. So I began subbing.

  • Spent most of a day w/ my little buddy taking tractor rides, playing w/ kittens, and driving the truck through the pasture to see all the baby calves.

  • We got a new toy...a skid steer. No one knows what a skid steer is. Its like a bobcat, if that helps.

That brings us up to this week. 2 days now Josh and I have went for morning walks. Wednesday, the first day, we didn't feed the cats before we left thinking they would still be asleep. Wrong. A handful of them followed us. So we didn't do the entire 2 miles for fear of our neighbor leaving for work and running them over. That night Josh didn't get home till 8:30. While getting ready for bed he said he wanted to walk the next morning, I told him he wouldn't. My alarm went off at 5:15 and he said "I'm tired." I was right. No walk Thur. morning, but back to it Friday morning....which we fed the cats just a smidgen and then took off! Its dark and cold at 5:45am, but really no complaints.

Last night I got together w/ some old friends/classmates. It was really nice to just sit around and visit. We ended the night around 9:30. I was tired, but it felt too early since I don't see those people very often. My good friend Shane is being stationed in Hawaii (again) for 3 years. He's always good at getting people together and I'm so glad he did. He also brought along a sign that says "Provence" that he'd gotten in London, or somewhere, and has been hanging onto for a while. I also got to see my BFF Katy. We talk often, but nothing is like face-to-face. I miss her bunches and was glad she was able to come down (okay, its really up but I always say down).

Today. Well today I've....ummm.....well, I haven't done much of anything. Josh ended up having to work today till who knows when, it was colder than all get out in here so its 12:13 and I'm just now considering changing out of my pajamas. I don't know what the day holds, I'm not really sure what I want to do. In a kind of bummed mood to be honest. So in my pajamas under a blanket may be the best place for me.


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