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Monday, July 12, 2010

6am - 8pm

Our Sunday was a funday, but a busy one! We were up and at 'em by 6am to get things ready and to work 25 calves and run their mamma's through. Once we were finished with that we cleaned up and came inside for a sandwich and a little cool down time. I was thinking a little nap was included in that. I was wrong.
We headed out to the big town to do a little shopping at Orschelin's and of course WallyWorld. Once home, everything was put up (including 40lbs of dog food and 40lbs-yes I said 40lbs-of cat food) and we jumped in the gator so we could go check the calves we worked earlier. That's a good way to end the evening right? Wrong. We were actually waiting on a future owner of some of our kittens (yay!).
My friend Konda was coming out w/ her kiddos to pick out a few kittens. Once back at the house we wrenched on the truck while we waited on them. They came out, we visited, they chose kittens, and we talked cucumbers. It was getting late so they headed on their way with 2 sacks of cucumbers, 4 kittens, and a tub of cat food. I have to say, they made very good choices in their kittens. I only showed them what was available and what wasn't and they did the rest. Good kitten pickers! They headed off a little after 8pm and Josh and I headed inside to eat dinner (yes, 8pm or 9pm is about average dinner time for us in the summer...not good, but can't be helped). We tag teamed cutting up lettuce, ham, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, onions, and carrots. We added shredded cheese, bacon bits and dressing to make one hell of a chef salad if I do say so myself. We plopped down on the couch, ate our salad, and watched Ice Road Truckers.

I <3 my guy. He knew I wouldn't feel like cooking anything, and thank goodness he can handle a meal without beef every once in a while. When he finished his salad I told him to stick his fork in me, I was done. Not really, are you crazy? He might actually do it.

Over and Out

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