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Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Rain, rain, and more rain. It was misting a bit when I headed over to the big house this morning at 7:30. Annette happen to go out on the sun room a bit later to see that cows were in the yard. That is a big no-no because of the garden. Her and I trudged out (along with Emily of course) to get the cows out and save the garden. Then Annette sais "do you hear that?" We could hear the rain coming. We kinda looked at each other and had an "oh shit" moment. But you can't be the first one outside in the morning and not feed the cats. Which resulted in us being stuck on the porch of the shed in a down pour. Luckily it eased up pretty quick and we made a run for it. And my coffee tasted even better back inside.

This is not the only rain story I have to share, but that one has pictures I have yet to upload. So, more to come on the subject of rain.

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