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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sonic Booms, Cuts and Hardware

Random much!? I'm enjoying some time outside on the porch and thought it'd be good time to do a little catching up. Ohhh, and "Rain is a good thing" just came on the radio. I don't have a beer beside me, hang on I gotta fix that.....

Ok, much better. Oh and I turned the radio up just a tad. All is right with the world.

Anywho, first things first. We were out at "The Old Home Place" (which is where Josh's Dad, Rich spent his summers as a kid) yesterday afternoon doing more to the house preparing it for the burning or tearing down it will receive at some point. We heard jets flying over, they were fast and loud. A short while later I heard a boom. I looked over at Annette and asked what the hell that was. It wasn't stormy enough to be thunder. She informs me, as if we hear them all the time, that it was a sonic boom. I had never heard a sonic boom. I thought it was pretty damn cool. Rich and Annette proceeded to tell me how they used to do that around these parts a lot when they were kids. Back then it was the Wichita military base and they speculated that's who it was yesterday. Apparently back in the day, one crashed on the hill next to "The Old Home Place" when Rich was a kid.
Today while I was inside messing with laundry I heard them flying overhead. I ran to the door and stood on the porch bracing myself for the boom, but never heard it. So I guess this is their playground.

The issue of cuts is really just be whining. Annette cleaned out the fridge in the shed b/c we've had quite a few Diet. Dr.Peppers freeze and bust in there. Does Diet pop freeze easier than regular pop? Along with the Diet Dr.Pepper was regular Dr.Pepper, Mt. Dew, and Coors Light (of course). The Diet Dr.Pepper was the ONLY thing that froze and bust. Please explain this to me. Anywho, I was no help in cleaning out the fridge, she had it all done by the time I came out. But as we were loading the fridge back up with the canned beverages I noticed 2 Diet Dr.Pepper cans tops were extended. I sat them in the sink knowing they had lost any bit of carbonation they had in them. Once we were done loading the fridge I innocently cracked open one of those cans in the sink and BAAAM. The damn thing bit me. Well, that's what it felt like after I heard what sounded like a gun. The rim of the can came off, like I'd used a can opener, and gave me a small cut on my middle finger and a pretty good gash on my thumb -hitting the space bar kinda hurts. It bled and bled and bled. I've upgraded from a paper towel to a band aid and it hasn't bled through. So I'm taking that as a good sign. The beer will help....I'm sure of it.

Just before I was attacked by the can, I took one of the handles off a cabinet in the house and used it as a tester with the spray we bought many many months ago. I'm not a fan of brass and EVERY handle in the house is brass. Door handles, cabinets, draws....EVERYTHING. The spray looked much better, so I bandaged up my thumb, got the drill and went to town taking off handles. Not one cabinet in the house has a handle right now. Hahahahaha. It makes me feel like playing practical jokes. So the hardware is lined up on an old tarp on the floor in the shed with who knows how many kitten/cat prints all over. They love to help.

I would take a picture of my cut and the handles spread about, but I drained the rest of my battery taking pictures of hay bales earlier. I'll assume your thanking me for not having to look at my yucky cut and my boring handle.

Your welcome

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