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Monday, July 19, 2010

Two thumbs up weekend!

I finished another round of mowing ditches on Saturday. It was hot. So very very hot. But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Ha, I don't know why I said that. This girl wants to get paid and sitting on a hot tractor mowing ditches gets this girl paid. And really, I put on a cut off tshirt, jeans, and boots every day.....and most of the time I don't even brush my hair!....and still get paid. So what if I'm on an open cab tractor that is putting out a buttload of hot air on its own, let alone the July heat that feels like its 110 outside. I look snazzy after a full day of that, lemme tell ya!
Anywho, back to the weekend. Saturday evening Josh's sister Kate and her husband Adam came down with their dog Remi to "the farm" for a visit. We all...and I do mean all-Me, Josh, Annette, Richard, Kate, Adam, and the 3 dogs: Harley, Emily, and Remi....and took a drive. We had to show them all the mowed dishes, the many dieing weeds we've sprayed, and of course cows. Once the tour was over, we came back to the house to eat dinner. We were having pulled pork sandwiches and 7 layer dip. We proceeded to all stand around the island and devour the entire plate of 7 layer dip. :) It was good. Then we had our pulled pork sandwiches. Hehe.

We took Sunday off from haying to just hang out. It was nice and the day went by too fast. Josh's grandma, we call her Grandma Keast, came down w/ some pasta salad and brownies. My Mom came down w/ my niece and nephew. I requested her yummy baked beans, but she also brought what we call "That Damn Cake" and Peanut Butter Pie. She outdid herself and we're okay with that. Josh and Adam manned the smoker and grill while us girls did our part for dinner. Annette made potato salad, got the ribs all ready, got the chicken all ready and tag teamed the corn relish with Kate. Kate also did guacamole and spinach dip. I made pinwheels. You would have thought it was Thanksgiving here at 4B. We snacked, talked, laughed, snacked, played w/ kittens and dogs, snacked, and then ate dinner. After dinner we had dessert. The Peanut Butter Pie hit the spot on such a hot day. After a little time on the porch visiting, it was time for Grandma Keast to head home. Mom and the kiddos headed out soon after. And to tell you the truth, we didn't last much longer. Its hard just hanging out.

It was so nice to have everyone out and for Rich to shut down haying in the middle of hay season. But we got back right back to it today. I spent about 9hrs mowing and Rich baled everything they had on the ground. We're chuggin along.

Chooo Chooo

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